Physical Therapy Screening
Living with pain is not normal. Pain is the way our body tell us something is not right, attend to me. Here at Physical Therapy Solutions we offer free screening for pain and dysfcuntion. It is functional movement assessment and education process to help you determine,
i. is physical therapy right for you
ii. if physical therapy is a choice, what does the treatment entails
iii. what should you do next.
Injury Screening
If you have injured recently, in pain and not sure if something is wrong, Physical Therapy may be a solution for you. We can perform a quick physical and fucntional movement screen to determine the scope of injury, if physical therapy is right for you and or what shoud you do next. These are honest professional opinions and not a sales solutions. At Physical therapy solutions we understand you trusting your physical health with us.
Falls and Balance Screening
Falling is never normal. We try to have closure for everything, find a reason and move on. But falls could tell a lot about your health. We perform quick fall risk assessment and guide you whats is appropriate treatment for your falls.
Sports Performance and Injury Prevention
Are you a sports athelete looking to improve your performance, or someone looking for injury prevention? We specialize in treating orthopedic and sports-related injuries, and helping athletes reach their peak performance. Our team of experienced Physical Therapists offer comprehensive screening for sports performance improvements and injury preventions. if this interests you please request an screening appointment.