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Sivakumar Thirugnana



Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapist

Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapist



Sivakumar specializes in orthopedic and sports physical therapy and cardio-pulmonary rehabilitation. He earned his Bachelor's in Physical Therapy in 2000 and a Master's in Physical Therapy in 2003 from Manipal University, India. He taught Physical Therapy to entry-level and graduate students at Manipal University. He earned his Doctor of Physical Therapy from Loma Linda University, California. He is pursuing his advanced Doctor of Science, a doctoral degree in physical therapy. He is also pursuing an orthopedic manual physical therapy fellowship from AAOMPT through Aspire - An Orthopedic Manual Therapy Institute. He has conducted continuing education programs to train fellow physical therapists. Sivakumar teaches in the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program at Governors State University, Illinois.


Sivakumar has earned certifications in Spinal Manipulative Therapy (SMT), Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy (COMT), and Dry Needling (CDN). Sivakumar is also extensively trained in sports injury management and exercise training.


Sivakumar strives to provide evidence-based care, integrating research, patient values, and clinical expertise. He has diverse experience in healthcare, working in various settings and populations. Sivakumar is compassionate about the musculoskeletal system and movement disorders of the human body. His strength lies in the comprehensiveness of evaluation, analysis, and treatment. As an educator, he believes patient education is the first step in treatment. Instead of chasing the symptoms, he curates therapy to address the root cause. He believes in a holistic approach and methodological treatment from his educational framework. He believes that as long as movement and position change the patients' symptoms, physical therapy has enormous potential. Sivakumar believes the Physical Therapy profession is a primary care provider for musculoskeletal dysfunctions. 


Running and biking are his favorite activities. Sivakumar enjoys cheering for his athletic wife and supporting his twins with various sports activities. He is also an amateur photographer. When he is not working, he loves spending time with his family and traveling.

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